Team Members Kili-2012

Our mission: Be bold! Promote a healthy life-style involving fitness, team-work, social engagement, perseverance, innovation and pleasure.

Our goal: Reach the top of Mount Kilimanjaro.

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Team Members Kili-2012:
André Bégin - André Lachapelle - Catherine Fortin - Chantale Bonin - Isabelle Privé - Janie Brunet - Louis Hamelin - Lucie Corbeil - Manon Fairfield - Manon Marleau - Martine Lussier - Mélanie Lauzon - Nadine Lauzon - Nathalie Roussin - Pierre Gauvin - Richard Barbeau - Rosanna Chechile - Sylvain Thériault
Mathieu Fleury mountain partner Ex-Pé

Saturday, 7 January 2012

January - Back to Work Again

By Isabelle Privé
2012 has come at last, bringing a new sense of purpose to the team.

After a well deserved break for the holidays, after family reunions, good food and champagne, it's back to the drawing board!

The count down has started! Now and for the next 9 months, we'll be increasing the intensity of our training. In January, and every second Sunday, we start a series of sessions on Mont Royal with Mathieu. We have to improve our cardio-vascular capacity as much as possible to be able to recuperate efficiently during the climb. Muscle strengthening is important too, to ensure that we can produce the required effort for climbing while supporting the weight of a back-pack.

As adapting to the altitude will make sleep difficult, intensive training is essential for keeping going, day after day, and reaching the summit.

For some of us, it's the gym, for some it's training alone, for others it's in a group. Some climb stairs, others run, walk, weight-lift or do abs. Any excuse serves for training and getting fit for our expedition.

A special thought for Nathalie who has injured her knee and has to undergo surgery in January. She's a great example of perseverance and courage. She could easily have given up on the adventure as many of us would have done. But no - she's determined to have the operation as soon as possible and get back in shape in time to leave with the gang.

.. Personally, Nadine, if I ever get fed up with training, I'll think of you, then I'll just shut up and carry on.

Translated by Pamela Gauvin

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