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Casino du 22 octobre 2011
October 22, 2011
Casino with 12 Black Jack tables and 2 Poker tables
Over 100 guests attended - a big success!
Souper gastronomique, vente de hot-dog, photos...
September 23, 2011
Gastronomical Supper at the Calixa-Lavallée Institute
Held with the collaboration of the SCD social club
90 full and satisfied guests
September 24, 2011
Hot-dog sale outside the Rona store, Terrebonne
October 10, 2011
Group and family photos offered at the Laval Nature Center
Une autre réussite!
September 1, 2 & 3, 2011
Grocery packing at the Super-C, Terrebonne
Bonbons, chocolats et bretzels!
On-going activity - the Team Kili-2012 Corner Shop

Orders received for 450 boxes of hand-made chocolates! Quite a challenge!
Créativité, innovation et talent!
July 1st, 2011
The Corner Shop adds muffins to the menu (they sell like hot-cakes....)
It's getting even more stylish with new display units (custom-made by our cabinet maker, Pierre)
which encourage brisk sales

It's getting even more stylish with new display units (custom-made by our cabinet maker, Pierre)
which encourage brisk sales
June 25, 2011
Grocery packing at Maxi's, Laprairie

Une première activité de levée de fonds se termine....
Activité semaine de Päques
April 21, 2011
Easter sale of home-made confectionary - 1078 chocolates and 278 lollipops
Our first fund-raising effort - profits were double our expectations!
Translated by Pamela Gauvin
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