By Sylvain Thériault
I've done it at last - here's my first text on the blog. I've been thinking about it for a long time but always put it off. My colleagues know how much I love talking but, when it's time to write, I get stuck. My fingers aren't quick enough for my brain. Who knows why?
Once, when I was travelling in France with my daughter, she said "My legs don't want to go on". I replied "Tell your legs that it's not up to them to decide what to do. That's a job for your brain. Your legs wanted to be legs and they have a job to do - walk". She gave me a look and said "Dad, you're quite mad!"
Because my hands are so slow, I have to keep starting over as my thoughts change in the middle of a sentence. It never gets better. How many times do you think I've rewritten this text? Anyway, here's what I want to say....
Because my hands are so slow, I have to keep starting over as my thoughts change in the middle of a sentence. It never gets better. How many times do you think I've rewritten this text? Anyway, here's what I want to say....
Time goes too quickly. It's already 9 months since a team supper when we discussed our dreams, ambitions, travels. Three magic words for Manon, André and me. Three words - synonym for "climb Kilimanjaro". and that's how the KILI PROJECT was born.
There are only 14 months left before we can kiss the famous sign that welcomes us to Africa' s summit. For some that may seem too difficult but, together with the people I'm getting to know through the project, I believe that my dream will soon be just a memory.
So, the ice is broken. Because of the Kili project, I've ventured out of my comfort zone. And the further out, the more I like it.
So, the ice is broken. Because of the Kili project, I've ventured out of my comfort zone. And the further out, the more I like it.
Hi there, Kili, you're going to have visitors - get ready to give us lots of magical moments. In 14 months you'll be part of the story of my life.
See you soon!
Translated by Pamela Gauvin